Title: Top 10 Secrets for Managing NTFS File Permissions
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2011 11:00:00 AM EDT
Keeping files secure on file servers – and really any other type of server – is critical especially with the kinds of advanced persistent threats we’re up against today. But managing file permissions is laborious and error prone and done poorly or irregularly leads to significant access control risks. Factors that make file access control difficult include:
- Conflicts between share and NT FS permissions, especially when multiple shares exist on a given branch
- Difficulty of finding folders with inherited permissions or blocked inheritance
- The sheer number of files
- Loss of continuity with the admin who set everything up
- Lack of knowledge about the files, the type of information they hold and who should really be the owner
- Difficulty in finding all the files a given user or group has access to
- Confusion over how permission inheritance works
In this webinar I will update you on how NTFS permissions work today and I will tackle the challenges listed above. In particular, I’ll demonstrate several free tools that will help easily list all shared folders and their share permissions, analyze a given folder hierarchy and find all explicitly defined permissions and analyze an entire server to find all objects a given user or group have access to.
I’ll also provide other proven tips on managing file permissions including how to backup permissions and compare a folder hierarchy’s current permissions to a previous snapshot to detect what’s changed.
Then I think you will benefit from learning briefly about how Quest Access Manager fills in the remaining gaps with some very advanced and imaginative techniques. For instance, Sudha Iyer, Quest product manager, will demonstrate how Access Manager helps you figure out who should be the business owner of file server folders by analyzing the activity on the folder’s files. You’ll also see how Access Manager provides an enterprise wide view of a user or groups entitlements and helps you implement business owner approved access control.
Please join me for this very technical, real training for free (TM) webinar. Click here to register
Technorati Tags: QSFT,Quest Software,Quest Access Manager,Access Manager,Identity Management,Security