Sunday, February 11, 2007

Styles of Communication

Last weekend I attended a seminar in Sacramento called "Styles of Communication". This was probably the best seminar I have attended in many years. It really opened my eyes to the fact that everyone has a different style of communicating. The key take-away for me is that if you ask a few questions you can figure out someone's style and that helps you to adjust your style of communicating with them. The end result is a more effective relationship with that person - whether it is a business or a personal relationship.

Wilson Learning offers this course. Here's a summary...

Building Relationship Versatility: Social Styles at Work provides participants with results-oriented Versatility skills that help them to improve their ability to work effectively with others. Individuals are better able to build productive relationships, handle conflict, and create more focused and productive teams. This program can transform how your organization, your teams, and your individual contributors work together to create value.

Check it out. I highly recommend it!

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